
This book is for those who refuse to believe that suffering and the mundane are all we came to earth to experience. Embedded within the stories of this book are healing manifestation codes that can completely change your thought patterns, life, and even your very DNA if you allow them to.

The invisible, the intangible, the things you can sense are more real and life-giving than the things you can touch or see, like those moments where you just know something, but can't quite explain why. Or where seemingly everything is working against you, but just at the moment you needed it something shifted and it changed everything.

Each of the stories in this book will invite you to feel the reality of the magic inside and around us in our collective human experience every single day.

Now that you can see it in their lives, can you more readily embody it in yours?

Manifesting Magical Moments: Embrace the Extraordinary in Everyday Life
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